11 Apr 2018

General Admission Guide

University Admissions and Registrations

Kateb University offers Undergraduate and Graduate education in the following majors:

  1. Law
  2. Political Science
  3. Engineering
  4. Computer Science
  5. Business Administration
  6. Economics
  7. Sociology
  8. Medicine

Students need to fill the “Kateb Regular Students Registration Form” online or get it from the  Office of Registrar.

Below are the common requirements for registrations.

For undergraduate degree:

  1. High School Transcript (Marks above 70%)
  2. Marks above 60% in University Entrance Test
  3. Valid National Identity Card or Passport

For Graduate Degree:

  1. Bachelors Degree in relevant field
  2. Valid National Identity Card of Passport
  3. Marks above 60% in University Entrance Test

Students need to take a general university entrance tests at the beginning of the semester in order to get enrolled. General University entrance tests are taken twice a year, one at the beginning of spring semester and one at the beginning of Fall Semester.

The procedure for admission is same for graduate and undergraduate degrees, however, students applying for a Masters Degree, also need to pass an interview with a faculty members.

Once students pass the UET, they will have to:

  1. Read and sign the students honor pledge
  2. Read and fill a “Mental Health Status” form to be submitted to the Student Counseling Center
  3. Read and sign the Finance Department form and the “Request for Financial Aid” form if required.
  4. Sign Up with an account in NAD system and add their classes as per the schedule provided by the department
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