15 Apr 2018

Board of Trusties

About KU Board of Trusties 

The purpose of the Board of Trustees is to lead, direct, monitor and control the activities of the Kateb University. The board is composed of two founders and 5 other members.

Following is the ToR of the board of trustees at Kateb University

  1. Arrangement and approval of the statute and procedures for activities in the academic, administrative and service departments of Kateb University
  2. Study and evaluate the short-term and long-term development plans of the University band make necessary decisions regarding the topics
  3. Approval, modification and completion of the statute and procedures of Kateb University and its submission to the Ministry of Higher Education for approval
  4. Approval of Changes in the Organizational Structure and Activities of Kateb University in accordance with the Changes in the Law on Higher Education and the Change in Activities of Kateb University to meet the urgent needs of society for the development and advancement of science, technology and provide it for obtaining approval from the Ministry of Higher Education
  5. Review and Evaluation of Admission Plans and Amount of fees
  6. Evaluation and issuance of a decision on the proposal for the conclusion, renewal or cancellation of educational contracts.
  7. Approving the amount of salaries and other monetary benefits of faculty members and administrative staff.
  8. Awarding the honorary degree, other certificates, diplomas and awards of Kateb University
  9. Selecting the University Chancellor
  10. Supervising the committees present inside Kateb University, their activities and competencies
  11. Reviewing the student and faculty complaints about the educational, research and academic affairs
  12. Evaluating the Financial Mechanisms of Kateb University
  13. Approving institutional structure, annual budget and short-term and long-term development plans
  14. Approval of request to terminate the University Chancellor


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