Kateb University Career Services Center, founded to raise the scientific-technical level and expand pragmatic knowledge, seeks to empower students of Kateb University so that in addition to learning theoretical knowledge, they get acquainted with the labor market and develop the abilities required to find and undertake work projects.
In this regard, the establishment of this center by Kateb University has been a step forward in laying the ground for the empowerment of young job seekers.
The main activities of this center in 2019 are as follows:
The activities of Kateb University Career Services Center are in several different fields:
1- Holding job search skills workshops.
2- Organizing seminars to get students acquainted with the market situation.
3- Drawing up agreements with organizations affiliated with employment agencies.
4- Launching a Job Fair conference to invite companies and introduce the prospective students of Kateb University and other job seekers to potential employers.
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