22 May 2018

Computer Labs and Internet Service

Computer Labs

To provide practical lessons, one computer lab at the main branch is equipped with sixteen computers and two computer labs in Barchi Branch are equipped with sixteen and eighteen computers with models OptiPlex Dell 9020 & 9010, 7010.

The computer labs are to:

  1. Serve students academic needs
  2. Help them with E-Communication
Network System

Kateb University is equipped with a reliable networking system with models by approved topologies such as Cisco.

There is both Cable and Wi-Fi networks for quick communication and administrative issues faced.


Kateb University has signed a contract with Internet Service Provider (ISP) (IO Global (IO) (Broadband Internet)

The Uplink Mbps 20 / Downlink Mbps 20 band runs through the division into three branches

The University’s Web-based Disciplines are as follows:


8 Mbps Downlink / 8 Mbps Uplink (Central Branch)
8 Mbps Downlink / 8 Mbps Uplink (Main Branch
4 Mbps Downlink / 4 Mbps Uplink (Masters Branch (
20 Mbps Downlink / 20 Mbps


All branches


The IT department at the Central Branch and Barçhi for communication, information and internet affairs has a fully active internet portal.

Full speed, equipped with Secure Networks, Dedicated Broadband 8Mb Forwarded.

The Main Branch Internet Club is equipped with 18 computers and the Barchi Branch is equipped with ten computers with models OptiPlex Dell 9010 & 7010.

The Internet Clubs

The Internet Club in the main branch is equipped with 18 computers and the Barchi Branch is equipped with ten computers with models OptiPlex Dell 9010 & 7010.


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