26 May 2018

Computer Science


The Kateb University department of computer science was established in 2013 and is an outstanding group of students, educators, scholars and researchers who learn and work and practice  computer science professions and want to make the world a better place for living.

Computer science students study theoretical and practical foundation and techniques of computation.  It is about the basic theories of formation, design and use of computers. A computer scientist specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computational systems. Students with a degree in computer science can work in government as well as in private sectors. They can be employed as software engineers, software testers, project managers, and application developers.

At Kateb University students are offered pre-requisite courses before they go on to clear their majors. Some of the core courses are Discrete Math, Calculus, C, C++ and Probability.

Majors offered at KU Department of Computer Science are:

  1. Software Engineering
  2. IT

Computer Science graduates can choose have a regular job and work as web, mobile application, video game and operating system developer et cetera. Some of the job areas computer science graduates get are as follows:

  1. Application Developer
  2. Android Developer
  3. Web developer
  4. Database Developer
  5. Network Specialist
Student Development Opportunities
IT Lab

Kateb University is equipped with a reliable networking system with models by approved topologies such as Cisco.

There is both Cable and Wi-Fi networks for quick communication and administrative issues faced.

Kateb University has signed a contract with Internet Service Provider (ISP) (IO Global (IO) (Broadband Internet)

The Uplink Mbps 20 / Downlink Mbps 20 band runs through the division into three branches

The University’s Web-based Disciplines are as follows:

8 Mbps Downlink / 8 Mbps Uplink (Central Branch)
8 Mbps Downlink / 8 Mbps Uplink (Main Branch
4 Mbps Downlink / 4 Mbps Uplink (Masters Branch (
20 Mbps Downlink / 20 Mbps


All branches

The IT department at the Central Branch and Barçhi for communication, information and internet affairs has a fully active internet portal.

Full speed, equipped with Secure Networks, Dedicated Broadband 8Mb Forwarded.

The Main Branch Internet Club is equipped with 18 computers and the Barchi Branch is equipped with ten computers with models OptiPlex Dell 9010 & 7010.

Also, to provide practical lessons, one computer lab at the main branch is equipped with sixteen computers and two computer classes in Barchi Branch are equipped with sixteen and eighteen computers with models OptiPlex Dell 9020 & 9010, 7010.

ACM/ICPC Contest

The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is a multitier, team-based, programming competition operating under the auspices of ACM and headquartered at Baylor University. Furthermore, it is the oldest programming Contest in the world. Kateb University hosted the first ACM ICPC National and Regional Contest in Afghanistan. In first run the registration for National Programming contest opened between 15 April – 28 July 2107 where all teams were from Afghanistan and every team had 3 members and one coach. The contest was being held in 4 August 2017. The details of the contest were launched after the closing registration date. This contest was not only programming challenges, students also learnt many new data structures and algorithms while preparing themselves for the contests. In other words, it was learning, challenge, and fun. Kateb University also hosted the first ACM ICPC National and Regional Contest in Afghanistan. In first run the registration for Kabul Regional Programming contest was opened between 10 Jul – 31 Oct, 2017. The teams were from Pacific & Indochina Peninsula or Asia consisted of 3 members and a coach. The contest was held from 8th to 10th Nov 2017.

The second edition of Asia Kabul 2018 Regional ACM/CPC (Association for Computing Machinery/ International Collegiate Programming Contest) was organized on the Nov 15-16 2018. Kateb University had the pleasure to host the contest for the second time with the collaboration of some private companies in sponsoring the contest. participants of second ACM/ICPC were the local and International Universities


In the first year of SB-CS and BS-IT students concentrate to study the basic of programming , Calculus, Discrete Math and some basics of logic and computer elements. Second year students are inducted with practical aspects of computer science and its applications while they teach advance programming, computer networking, and probability. Third year is compound of elective courses, more practical perspective of computer, and math. Third year prepares students to be clearer about their future study. Senior students study subjects which introduce them to different area of computer science research. Moreover, semester seventh and eighth includes elective courses.

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