24 Nov 2020

Health insurance guidelines for professors, staff and students of Kateb University

1. 25% discount for Kateb students (bed, laboratory and operations fees are included in this discount. X-ray and other wards are not included in this discount.)

2. 40% discount for university chancellor, university deputies, hospital staff, university professors, administrative, service and security staff of the university (bed, operating fee and laboratory costs are included in this discount. X-ray and other wards are not included in this discount).

3. 30% discount for visiting professors of the university (bed and operation fee is included in this discount. Laboratory, X-ray and other wards are not included in this discount.)


Note: The insured person and his/her first-degree relatives can use this discount.


1. 25% discount for the next visit of OPD patients who have the registration card with them only in the OPD ward.

2. 25% discount for institutions in contract with the hospital. (The costs of bed and operation fees are covered by this discount. Pharmacy, laboratory, X-ray and other wards are not included in this discount.)

3. 10% discount in the pharmacy of Faiz Mohammad Kateb Hospital for all professors, staff and students of the university


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