10 Apr 2018

Students Research Programs

kateb students

KU research department strives to enhance the student researches by training and supervision. Student Research Programs (SRP) is a platform that helps the students to learn the research methods, develop models, and technical softwares. In SRP KU research department works with students to develop their research questioners, develop their research hypothesis, select their research models and train the student to analyze their data through technical software such as SPSS, EVIEWS, and STATA.

KU research department works closely with faculties’ research committees to engage the students in applied research. In Kateb University every student is assigned to work on their final project in their fields. Students work with their assigned mentors to select their thesis topics. Mentors are assigned to guide the students for selection and writing of the thesis. Through this platform research departments facilitate and coordinate with organizations, government and donors to conduct their research through Kateb University.

Students can publish their research papers during their studies at Kateb University via Kateb Students Magazine and Kateb Quarterly.

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