27 May 2018

Master of International Relations


Master’s in International Relations (IR) at Kateb University offers a comprehensive understanding of IR by developing the capacity of students using a creative and practical teaching method coupled with innovative research to improve verbal and written arguments skills of students in international relations subjects. With the help of our experienced and highly qualified faculty, we combine intricate knowledge of IR standards and advanced curricula with a deep appreciation of historical knowledge and insight and the most important ideas in international thought.


This course includes concentration in subjects, such as International Crisis Management, Political Behavior, Major Powers and Central Asia, and Economic Issues in Local and International Government Systems.


The core elements of this course are the following courses: Afghanistan and International Politics, International Organization, Comparative Study of Political System in International Relations, Diplomatic and Consular Rights, International Political Economy, and International Theories and Research Methodology in International Relations. Moreover, the following two seminars are part of the core elements of this program: Seminar on Third World International Politics, Seminar on Afghanistan’s Foreign Relations.

The elective courses constitute International Relations History, Role of Ideology in International Politics, Foreign Policies of Great Power, Technical English in International Relations, International Crisis Management, Development Theories, Comparative Foreign Policy, Military Strategy of Great Power, Globalization Theories and Their Effects on Afghanistan, International Security Studies, and Development of Concepts in International Relations.

Career Opportunities

The life-long and transferable knowledge and skills you gain throughout MA course in International Relations at Kateb University enables you to build career in a wide range of institutions and roles. With an MA from Kateb University, you can work at National, Regional and International Government Institutions, Research and Think-tank Institutions, Development Organizations, and Lobbying and Media Organizations.

Degree Plan
Credits    Optional Subjects Credits  Compulsory Subjects
2 International Relations History 2 Area Studies
2 Role of Ideology in International Politics 2 Afghanistan and international politics
2 Foreign Policies of Great Power 2 International organization
2 Technical English Language in international Relations 2 Seminar on Third World in International Politics
2 International Crisis Management 2 Seminar on Afghanistan’s Foreign Relations
2  Peaceful settlement of International Disputes 2 Comparative Study of Political System in International Relations
2 Comparative Foreign Policy 2 Diplomatic and Consular Rights
2 Globalization Theories and Their Effect on Afghanistan 2 International Political Economy
2 Development of Concepts in International Relations 2 International Security Studies
3 International Theories
3 Research Method in International Relation
6 Thesis
18 30


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