Kateb University is proud to host the competition on 23rd & 24th Jan, 2020 in Kabul.
Considering its experimental and educational importance for Civil Engineering students, Kateb University is going to host a “Spaghetti Bridge – National Competition”, with the presence of the Honorable Minister of Higher Education, Honorable Head of Engineering Faculty of Kabul University, Honorable Head of Engineering Faculty of Polytechnic University, representatives of Kabul municipality, representatives of the Ministry of Urban Development and Public Works and students.
The competition will be held on an efficiency tendency. That is, these structures are able to withstand more weight than their own total weight.
Participating in such competitions can be exciting for students besides it will provide them the practical experience of designing and building a real model bridge. Students could face challenges such as designing and working with structural design software, creativity, applying analytical and computational lessons, and responsibility and teamwork that will ultimately gain a comprehensive understanding of bridge structure designs.
Important Notes:
“Spaghetti Bridge – National Competition”
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