15 Apr 2018

Strategic Plan

Vision of Kateb University 

Kateb University envisions to become a leading prestigious university in the region.


Kateb University’s Mission as a higher education institute is to provide quality education and research opportunities for students at national and regional levels. The University plans to design and implement a job-oriented teaching curricula and contribute to creating a balanced co-education system. To achieve these objectives, Kateb moves onward based on respecting academic and ethical principles and focusing on use of expert faculty, collaborating with national and international academic institutions, using modern technology methods and creating an appropriate research environment. Needless to say that building professional, leadership, and management capacity is a top priority for us.

Long-Term Goals of the University
  1. Creating and promoting educational atmosphere
  2. Making a brand out of Kateb University
  3. Valuable participation in the affairs of society
  4. Institutionalizing research in the event of affecting the educational system, decision making, teaching-learning and specialization
  5. Creating and developing structures, bills, instructions and guidelines based on international standards
  6. Creating portfolio, developing income sources and accounting them
  7. Commercializing science and relating to industry

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