22 May 2018

Student Guidance

Student Guidance

1.     Education System at Kateb University
1.1.          Credit System
  1. In a credit system, the course is weighed by the number of credit hours a student receives for that course. Whether a student fails or passes a certain course, does not affect his grades in his other classes.
  2. The regular three credit courses meet for 2 hours per week over a 16 week semester that becomes 32 hours per semester.


  • Lab work: 32 hours
  • Practical sessions: 48
  • Internship: 64
  • Projects: However the professor decides
1.2.          Academic year and Academic Policies
  1. Each academic year is based on two semesters, 16 weeks each.
  2. The university is responsible to design curriculums that meet all the requirements of policies described by the Ministry of Higher Education.
  3. Customizing the curriculum as per need, is the responsibility of the University
1.3.          Elective Courses
  1. The university is responsible to recognize and introduce some elective courses to students only incase that the number of credits acquired does not exceed the number of total credits required for degree completion.
  2. The total credits hours to complete a degree is 140 for four to six years (with thesis).

Note: The credit system and number of credits for the Medicine faculty is different from other faculties. Please see the degree plan attached in Annex 1.

1.4.          Absence and Presence in Classes
  1. The total number of absences in a class should not exceed 25% of the credit hours for each course. Absence for more than 25% of the credit hours will lead to a direct 0/100 in that specific course only.

Note: Incase the student presents a legitimate reason for his absence, the absences are counted exception and the course will be counted as withdrawn.

1.5.          Absence from mid-term and final exams
  1. An absence in a class exam will lead to a direct 0 in that exam.

Note: Every student is required to participate in exams of courses he/she is enrolled in. In case a student cannot participate in an exam due to extreme sickness, he/she has to present an exhibit within the next 48 hours to the student affairs office. Not exceptions are accepted if the timing exceeds the 48 hours.

1.6.          Adding and dropping a course
  1. A student can only add or drop a course during add/drop period set by the registrar’s office.

Note: Because the class schedules are already set as per a student’s degree plan, a student can only add/drop two of his classes during add/drop period.

  1. In exceptional cases, a student can drop only one of his core courses during a semester only in case the remaining credit hours are not less than 17 for the rest of the semester.
1.7.          Student Performance Evaluation
  1. Student performance in a course is evaluated based on presence, class participation, assignments, mid-term and final examinations.
  2. All of the points mentioned above together form a total number of 100 for each course.
  3. The minimum passing mark for a course is 55 and if a student fails a core course with marks below 55, he is compelled to repeat the course. However, the semester GPA of the student is counted based on the same semester’s grades.
  4. Note: If a student fails an elective course, he can choose to add a different elective course for the next semester instead of that specific course.
  5. In exceptional cases if a course bears practical works or project assignments and the assignments are not possible to be completed within the time frame of the semester, the instructor can choose to insert that as an incomplete grade. However, the grades should be completed within the next 1 month of other grades announced.
1.8.          Grades Announcements
  1. The instructor shall submit the final grades within a maximum timeframe of 10 days after the final examinations to the office of student affairs.
  2. The student affairs office is responsible to submit a final grade sheet of the students within a month after the semester final examinations to the Directorate of Private Institutions in the Ministry of Higher Education.
  3. Note: Grade sheets once submitted to the Ministry of Higher Education cannot be changed. (No exceptions)
1.9.          Grade Point Average
  1. The grade point average of a student should not be less than 60, or else
  2. In case the GPA of a student falls under 60 for two consecutive of 4 alternative semesters, he or she will be suspended from the university.
  3. If the reason behind the suspension of a student is GPA under 60, he/she can get a certificate of completion for (i.e. 14th grade or a minor in that specific field). This is only possible if the average grade point of those courses do not fall under 60.
  4. A student can re-appeal to study his bachelor’s degree for the second time only in case he participates and passes the University Entrance Test for the second time.
2.     Academic Leave and Drop Out
2.1.          Academic Leave
  1. A student is allowed to request and go for academic leave only for two consecutive or alternative semester during his/her time at university.
  2. A student’s academic leave period is deducted from the total years allowed for his bachelor degree. (6 years)
  3. Female students are allowed one semester leave due to pregnancy without the period being deducted from total number of years allowed for the degree completion.
  4. A request for a third academic leave (only in case the degree completion years allowed) are not over, shall be reported to the (Commission Mawared Khas)
  5. The request for academic leave shall be considered for review only if the form is submitted in person. The submission deadline is 2 weeks before the class registrations.
2.2.          Drop Out
  1. Ceasing to participate in classes without any prior notice to the university shall be counted as drop out. A drop out student is not allowed to continue his/her education.
  2. Note: In exceptional cases, if a student seems to have a legitimate reason for his drop out, he/she is responsible to present an appeal to the student affairs office at least one month before the semester ends.
  3. A student wanting to drop out of university is expected to submit his/her drop out request with the form personally to the Student Affairs Office. The student can appeal to cancel his dropout request within the next one month.
  4. In case of wanting to re-start an education, a drop out student is supposed to retake the University Entrance Test.
3.       Transfer
3.1.          To transfer means to change the place of study from one university to another for the same degree level and major.
  1. Freshmen students are not under any circumstance allowed to transfer.
  2. Without the policies set by the Ministry of Higher Education, disqualifying a student from transferring, the student is allowed to transfer his earned credits.
  3. A student can transfer his earned credits (under the circumstances defined by the ministry of higher education) from a higher education institution to a university and vice-versa.
  4. A student is not allowed to change from a private university to a governmental university but the opposite case does not bear any limitations.
  5. A student wanting to transfer his credits is responsible to submit his transfer request and form within the time-frame and deadline set by the Ministry of Higher Education.
  6. Upon the successful transfer of a student from one university to another, all his credits and performance reports are shifted and he shall not bear any contact with his previous university.
  7. In case of transfer request processed, the only courses with a grade point of above 55 that match with the curriculum of the new university, shall be transferred.
  8. Note: All the previous performance reports (Fail, Pass, Withdrawn, Incomplete grade) shall be reported as it was to new university.
  9. The students final transcript upon the degree completion shall be issued from where the student completed his degree. All credits earned will be added to the transcript along with Grade Point Average.
  10. A transfer is only possible for once when acquiring a degree. (Bachelor, Masters, Ph.D)
4.       Guest Student Policy
4.1.          A guest student policy is only implementable when the student (under exceptional circumstances) cannot attend his classes at his own university.
  1. A student can attend classes as guest student to a new university, only if he/she has passed at least one year of the whole study period at his own university.
  2. A student can either become a guest student for a course or more than one course to the host university.
  3. A student can become a guest student for twice during the whole study period. However, the number of credits acquired as guest student at the host university should not exceed 30% of the total credits required for the completion of a degree.
  4. Whether for a course or for many courses, the guest student form should have been approved both by the student’s own university and the host university.
  5. The student’s performance shall be evaluated at the host university and added to his transcript at his own university. His GPA shall also be calculated based on his performance at the host university.
  6. In case a student has studied his final set of credits during his last semester as a guest student, the graduation certificate and transcript will anyway be issued by his own university.
5.       Change of Major
5.1.          A student during his whole study period is only allowed to request for a major change for once.
  1. A student is free to request for a major change however, the UET number acquired by the candidate should not be less than what the minimum marks have been by any candidate of the new major.
  2. A student should be able to study the core courses of the newly selected major and the core courses credits earned will not be counted.
  3. A student can only change his major for acquiring the same level of degree. (i.e. student who previously studied to graduate from 14th grade cannot change his majors to acquire a bachelor degree)
  4. A student is supposed to register for his new classes as soon as possible. Once registered, the student cannot go back for his previous major.
  5. If the student does not register in time for his newly selected major, he cannot request for another major change till the end of his study period at the university.
  6. The grade point of any of his/her previous credits earned should not be less than 55 in any of his/her courses.
  7. The major change form and along with an appeal should be submitted to the student affairs office at least 6 weeks before the current semester ends.
6.       Graduation
6.1.          A student will be added to the list of graduate only if he/she has completed all of the required credit for completion of his/her degree as per the degree plan provided.
  1. A student will only be added to list of graduates when his final list of grades is submitted to the student affairs by his/her instructors.
  2. A student graduates if his/her final Grade Point Average is above 60. The student can choose to re-take 21 credit of courses completed with marks below 60 to be eligible for graduation.








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