31 Mar 2018

Student Success

One of the very crucial phases in a person’s life is the student-life phase. Many people find it hard to apply the theories of inside the classroom outside. Also practical approach for creativity is very important in today’s world.

Student-life quality is one of the top priorities of the well-known universities around the world. It is because students are the reflection of a university’s reputation and gone are the days when universities were only responsible for the theoretical knowledge of students. Today’s world demands more than what students only learn inside classroom.

Keeping in mind the mission and vision of Kateb University to become one of the prestigious universities in the region, the SCDU department came upon the following points in order to help the other departments and facilitate them to enhance the quality of University life for students.

First of all there are some indicators that have been studied thoroughly and are finalized to be worked upon with the help of some departments in KU.

Extra Curricular Activities and its impacts on Student’s University Life

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, many colleges and universities have a broad educational mission: to develop the “whole student.” On college campuses, extracurricular involvement is a key tool in this personal development. Students become involved in extracurricular activities not only for entertainment, social, and enjoyment purposes, but most important, to gain and improve skills. A wide and diversified range of extracurricular activities exists on U.S. campuses, meeting a variety of student interests.

Impact on Students

The importance of extracurricular activities on college campuses is well established. The primary goals of extracurricular activities focus on the individual student level, the institutional level, and the broader community level. These activities exist to complement the university’s academic curriculum and to augment the student’s educational experience. Specifically, a student’s peer group is the most important source of influence on a student’s academic and personal development. By identifying with a peer group, that group may influence a student’s affective and cognitive development as well as his or her behavior.

As the development of the well-rounded individual is a principal goal of extracurricular activities on college and university campuses, the numerous experiences these activities afford positively impact students’ emotional, intellectual, social, and inter-personal development. By working together with other individuals, students learn to negotiate, communicate, manage conflict, and lead others. Taking part in these out-of-the-classroom activities helps students to understand the importance of critical thinking skills, time management, and academic and intellectual competence. Involvement in activities helps students mature socially by providing a setting for student interaction, relationship formation, and discussion. Working outside of the classroom with diverse groups of individuals allows for students to gain more self-confidence, autonomy, and appreciation for others’ differences and similarities.

Students also develop skills specific to their career path and imperative for future job success. Students have opportunities to improve their leadership and interpersonal skills while also increasing their self-confidence. Extracurricular involvement allows students to link academic knowledge with practical experience, thereby leading to a better understanding of their own abilities, talents, and career goals. Future employers seek individuals with these increased skill levels, making these involved students more viable in the job market. Specifically, participation in extracurricular activities and leadership roles in these activities are positively linked to attainment of one’s first job and to managerial potential.

Student involvement in extracurricular activities also positively impacts educational attainment. Students who are actively engaged are more likely to have higher educational ambitions than uninvolved students.

Finally, extracurricular activities focus on institutional goals, such as building and sustaining community on campus as well as student retention. As campuses become more diverse, students desire an environment in which they feel connected to others and to the university. Extracurricular activities provide a place for students to come together, discuss pertinent ideas and issues, and accomplish common goals. Within this community, where students feel comfortable with one another, learning and development are enhanced and student retention is positively impacted. According to Vincent Tinto’s 1987 research, students will be more likely to persist in college if they feel they have had rewarding encounters with a college’s social and academic systems. Through extracurricular participation, students frequently interact with peers who have similar interests, providing social integration into the college environment. As a result, involved students view their college years as a positive experience and feel they are a vital part of the university, resulting in higher retention rates.

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