The Students Development Center, with the Gender Department of Kateb University, held the second round of women’s sports tournament with the slogan “Elimination of violence against women” on Tuesday 11/26/2019 from 8:00 to 12:00 in Mola Ali Sports Hall.
The purpose of the tournament is to promote sports, create vitality among female students and staff of Kateb University and the “Elimination of Violence against Women” campaign.
In this tournament, female students from both – Main Branch and Barchi Branch – attended, who competed in five different sports (volleyball, darts, badminton, running and stringing).
At the end of volleyball match, BBA team defeated all the rivals and stood on the first platform.
In the string competition, staff of Kateb University won the championship.
In the badminton competition, Ms. Zohra Tajik became the champion.
And, in the shower competition, Ms. Zohal Barakai from Faculty of Law and Political Science was recognized as the champion.
The Students Development Center and Gender Department of Kateb University presented awards to the tournament’s champions.
The Students development Center and Gender Department of Kateb University regularly organize the women’s sports tournament each semester.
women’s sports tournament
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