28 Apr 2018

Vice Chancellor’s Message


Dr.Mohammad yahya Balaghat

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

About Kateb University
Since 2007, Kateb University has come a long way, from trying to become a prestigious, research-led university to being known for its standard quality education, research, and services to local and national communities. Currently, there are more than 4,000 students studying at Kateb University. The student body comprises of about a 1,000 graduate and about 3,000 undergraduate students. Our educational programs range across all disciplines and our professors strives to upgrade the educational resources for our present and prospective students.

Looking forward,
One thing sounds to be very clear – research will be a key decision making element. Our responsibility is to help and educate and train our students to become people who will be valued both for their specialized knowledge, and for their ability to research, communicate and solve problems. To fulfill these responsibility we need to build strong network and partnerships with other research based universities and enhance the relationships the university has established already during the past years. It is equally important that we keep enhancing our network with institutions to ensure the ongoing relevance of our academic programs and the continued excellence of our teaching, learning and research.
To find out more about the University’s history, our teaching and research competencies, our research works, please check the university website at:

To our present and prospective students,
Kateb University is where traditional education system is transformed into the exploration of new ideas, where you study beyond the text-books, research freely, and learn to have the freedom to have a say about anything you want to—no matter how controversial or rigorous you think it might be.
You join us with strong determination and commitment to learn, divergent ideas to discuss, ability to speak up, I will provide you with classes led by committed professors, and you will discuss and learn, challenge yourself and change! Along the way, you will be pushed to think critically and become a fearless advocate for yourself and what you believe in.You come out of your comfort zone and we will provide you with a world of opportunities to participate and say and learn. And when you graduate, you’ll be prepared to face change and LEAD CHANGE!

With more than 7 majors offered, we give you the choice to select what you want to study and achieve your goals.  The Student Research Program, Student Clubs, Scientific Laboratories, Computer Labs and the KU Library are the resources you need to check out once you are in Kateb. There resources will be available to you to help you outside classroom whenever you feel like to use them. We withhold a proud resource and  that is an outstanding number of our professors with Ph.D degrees, the professors teach you in classrooms and then they research to update educational resources for you. Results of their hard work are more than 25 textbooks, all their own work.

The student monthly magazine is there for you to practice your writing skills when you need to, and when done, write something others can use. Your professors will always be there to help you. Our Student Advising and Student Success Centers will be available to assist you with declaring your courses and credits, addressing issues related to credits you need to cover or drop, consulting you about leaves of absence, monitoring your progress and giving you tips when you’re stressed out.

All in all, we look forward to welcoming you to Kateb University.

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