14 Jun 2020


1. Implementing the SDGs in Universities in Afghanistan – Conference Report

On August 29, 2019, Kateb University, in partnership with the Sustainable Development Solution Network (SDSN) and Ministry of Economy of Afghanistan (MoEC), UNDP and Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), organized a one-day conference titled ‘Role of Universities in Implementation of the SDGs in Afghanistan’. The event was held t Government Media and Information Center with over 250 participants from different universities, CSOs Development Organizations and the government organizations. They came together to discuss the current status quo of the SDGs in Afghanistan and to discuss the role universities can play in achieving the SDGs in Afghanistan.

The conference was a gateway further cooperation among universities in Afghanistan to play their roles in the field of Teaching and Learning, Research, External Leadership and Operation and Governance.

This report provides a summary of the key issue discussed at the conference and abstracts every presentation.

Read Conference Report here

2. Sustainable Development Report

3. Network Action in 2018



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